The problem of the improvement of the power, very current today, excited men from time immemorial. Therefore, in the recipes of folk medicine has accumulated a large number of tools and methods to resolve this problem. In the first place, there are, of course, the herbal treatment – herbal medicine. In the second – the improvement of the power by means of the food. Well, and in the third – water treatments and some very original ways of improving the strength of male.
To improve the power with the help of medicinal plants, infusions and tinctures should be taken in a systematic way. Irregular reception, probably, it will be ineffective.
To increase the power level in the folk medicine offers the use of herbs and the rate. In the recipes it is understood the use of herbs.
The use of certain herbsGinseng. It is a recognized since ancient times, aphrodisiac (a substance stimulating love story of the passion). The root of this wild ginseng is available to some, but pharmacy the tincture of the root of cultivated ginseng on plantations, well helps men to deal with the line of weakness. 30-40 drops of tincture it is necessary to drink (water) in the morning, and repeat the reception of the evening. The treatment can be very long, with side effects not observed.
Dubrovnik. This herb is used in form of infusion: 5 tablespoons of grass of the city of dubrovnik, casting boiling water (one glass), you should insist 3/4 hours. Prepared with the cooking should take 1 day in 3-4 doses. Treatment of dubrovnik can be of two weeks.

St. john's wort. It is widely known and popular of the plant has the property of strengthening hyperemia of the pelvic organs. To improve the power you can drink an infusion of st. john's wort: a glass of boiling water is poured over the herb in the quantity of two spoons, and insist in 1 hour; enjoy 1 day to 3 of the reception. It is also a popular tincture in brandy: the dry grass pour the vodka in the ratio of 1:5; after 7 days of infusion can be taken received the tool in a single dose of 40 drops; For 1 day of the appointment repeats 3 times.
Motherwort. The herb leonotis in the amount of two teaspoons pour a pint of boiled water, cooled to room temperature. After 8 hours of the infusion taken three times a day for 100 ml, before food.
Lilac. A tablespoon of lilac blossom, brewed cup of boiling water, insist before cooling. Make an infusion by 1 day in small portions (30 to 40 ml). The course of treatment – no more than two weeks.
The stinging nettle. To improve the potency, it is recommended 5 tablespoons of nettle seeds you leave in the boiling port wine or another wine of the grape), and cook for 5 minutes. The wine it is necessary to take 1/2 litre. Insist on the half-hour. Take the night 50 ml
The ordinary. The rhizome of this plant cut into small pieces and the bay of boiling water (1 glass), insist 8 hours. The single dose – 1 tablespoon. By the day of the appointment is repeated 3 times, before meals. You can simply chew several times a day small pieces of the rhizomes of the chorus (despite its bitter taste).
The aloe. The juice of aloe, mix with honey (in a ratio of 1:5). The single dose – 1 teaspoon of the mixture. For 1 day of the appointment repeats 3 times, before meals. The treatment can be continued for 1-2 months.
The sea buckthorn. The decline of the power of juice of sea buckthorn mixed with mummio, in a ratio of 20:1. The single dose of reception – 1 tablespoon. For 1 day of the appointment repeats 3 times. Course – a minimum of three weeks.

Kopitnik. This herb for the improvement of the power not taken by mouth (kopitnik toxic!). Drying of the roots kopytnja crushed in powder. One tablespoon of powder obtained is mixed with the same amount of fresh milk. The mixture every day rubbed on the skin of the groin. The course of treatment – no more than two weeks.
The use of herbal rights- The collection of st. john's wort, stinging nettle, clover, and peppermint. Are the herbs are taken in equal quantities (5 teaspoons of each herb), is poured into a flask containing a litre of boiling water. Leave for 20 minutes. Filter. The single dose of reception – 1 glass. For 1 day of the appointment repeats 3 times. For a better action for the collection of clover and st. john's wort collected in dry places, and the mint and nettle – wet.
- The collection of leaves of raspberry, strawberry, blackberry, and black currant. The leaves of these plants, taken from a spoon, mixed, and 3 tablespoons of the mixture received prepare with boiling water (three cups). Stop taking the sun in a water bath to 15 minutes Then turn off the heat, give broth to cool. It is drunk as tea 1 cup, half an hour before the meal. For 1 day of the appointment repeats 3 times.
- The collection of mountain ash and rosehips. Take in equal parts (20 g.). dry the berries of the rowan-tree and dried fruits of rosa mosqueta. To make in a thermos 500 ml of boiling water. Through 6 hours of the infusion prepared. Take half a glass. For 1 day of the appointment repeats 3 times.
- The collection of aloe vera, rosehip seed and seed of parsley. 150 grams of accompanied by a juice of aloe, 100 g of the fruit of rosa mosqueta, crushed into powder, 30 grams seeds of parsley, crushed into a powder, is mixed with 250 g of honey and 350 ml of red wine. The mixture insist in a period of two weeks in a dark place, shaking it in the time. The dose-to-1 reception – 1 tablespoon. For 1 day, the medication must be taken three times, half an hour before the meal.
- The mixture of dyes quinquefolia, ginseng, siberian ginseng, devil, rhodiola rosea.
Take pharmaceutical tinctures and extracts:
- the tincture quinquefolia – 50 ml;
- the tincture of ginseng – 50 ml;
- the extract of siberian ginseng – 30 ml;
- tincture of devil – 50 ml;
- extract of rhodiola rosea – 30 ml
All this is mixed and stored in a dark place. 30 drops of the mixture taken after meals three times a day.
The treatment with the use of food products
Foods that contain a lot of protein, as well as vitamins A, b, and E, increase man's force. Therefore, the men, the level of dissatisfaction of its power, you must include in your daily menu of these products.
Foods with high protein contentThis group of products include meat, fish, seafood, dairy products, eggs, mushrooms.
On the table in the dining room of the men every day should be a sufficient number of meat dishes. Effects on the level of power and even the of the cutlet or a roast. And here, in the caucasus, for example, is very useful for this purpose is a dish as bullish or rams the testes, toasted with onion.
The fish (especially mackerel, and flounder), salmon roe, meat of rays and sharks, shellfish (shrimp, mussels, oysters) - all this is the source of the sexual energy of men. However, all of these products must be consumed in fried, and in boiled form, otherwise, the desired effect is not reached.
Improve the power and dairy products: sour cream, cream of milk, cottage cheese, cheese, the curd. But for the preparation of these products should be used whole, natural, and non-pasteurized milk.
The eggs are useful in any kind: boiled, scrambled, in an omelette, etc, In the folk medicine especially it is recommended to eat every morning on an empty stomach one egg yolk welded hardened.
Products-an aphrodisiac refer and mushrooms. They are also a source of protein and, in addition, are rich in zinc, a beneficial influence on sexual potency. Especially effective the effect of the rare we have truffles, and fairly common morels.
Arc of all the varieties of ancient times has been used to improve the power (bulb, green, and others). And it is equally useful to arc in boiled, fried, baked and even dried as well as in the composition of different types of dishes.
The turnip is also used for the treatment of impotence. Fresh turnip should be boiled in carrot juice or milk, grate, mix in equal parts with the honey. 1/3 cup of this mixture, it is recommended to consume before meals, three times a day.
Increases strength male stew in the milk of the carrots. Accept it in the same dose as the turnip.
Very useful to increase the power of the tomatoes. You can eat in unlimited quantities, especially in baking, or in stew.
The watermelon and the melon, although it does not refer to vegetables, they are also aphrodisiacs. The investigations of recent years have shown that watermelon contains substances that act on the male body as Viagra.
Useful dressing for vegetable salads with the mixture of lemon juice with olive oil. And for eating, it is recommended the sunset. To achieve the desired effect is guaranteed in a few days!
FruitsSweet aphrodisiac – the fruit you can eat as much as you want. These include avocado, pineapple, bananas, pomegranates, figs, strawberries, coconut, dates.
NutsNuts (walnuts, peanuts, hazelnuts, leshchina, pistachios, etc) are almost the most useful for the improvement of the power of a product.
There is simply nuts over a month (for 100 g. in the day).
You can take nuts from goat's milk. The daily dose – 1 glass of nuts, peeled and 2 cups of goat milk with honey. The honey takes a bit – 2 tablespoons. The treatment continues for 1 month.
Nuts and dried fruits:
To the crumbs, and kernels of the twelve nuts added to 200 grams. finely chopped dried fruits (raisins, prunes, figs), mixed. The mixture stored in the refrigerator, and take all the mornings of the 2 spoons of tea, with the kfir or the curd.
The "milk" of nuts:
The peeling of walnuts crushed in pottery and tableware. When the nuts to become homogeneous mass, gradually begin to pour into them the water, continuing with the Swedish. There has to be a liquid emulsion of white color, which recalls the view of the milk (and with the same density). Is the "milk", is very it contributes to the improvement of the power, take 20 minutes before food intake in a dose of 100 ml For 1 day, the medication must be taken three times.
The spices increase the sexual energy, is known since ancient times. These aphrodisiacs added to foods in small amounts.
Improves sexual function pepper: black pepper, paprika, chile.
It is very useful celery: and the salad with the addition of a green, fresh celery, and the seeds of this herb in different seasonings. The celery is ground in the mill or in the blender along with the lemon, the celery and the lemon taken approximately in equal amounts). The mixture stored in the refrigerator in a glass jar. Taken before bedtime. The single dose – 1 tablespoon.
Strong an aphrodisiac is the cardamom. Used this spice in the minimum dosage: a pinch of powder obtained from the seeds of cardamom is added to a cup of coffee or warm milk with honey.
The ginger root taken in powder form (as a single dose, equivalent to 1 spoon of tea, it is necessary to take the tea with honey). For 1 day you can repeat the dose of the medication 1-2 times.
Along with exotic spices, for the improvement of the potency of the traditional medicine offers the garlic and the salsa of radish plants of the midland. But if the rbano silvestre used only in the form of a condiment to the meal, some garlic to enhance the therapeutic effect it is proposed to make an infusion.
1 kg of pure, crushed garlic, put in the can of three-liter jar and pour boiling water. The bank puts up to 1 month in a dark place. Every day an infusion should shake. After a month of infusion, filter, and begin to take teaspoon 1 time a day before eating, drinking milk or kefir. The treatment continues until the bank does not empty completely. This procedure (can be repeated once a year), contributes to the purification of the vessels. It is useful for the heart and the brain, and the increased power.
HoneyHoney is a wonderful product in many ways. He would help in the treatment of impotence. There are many uses of honey for this purpose.
You can consume honey, mixed in equal parts with the chopped nuts. Take 2 to 3 times a day, along with the milk. The single dose of 2 tablespoons.
You can prepare a mixture of 300 g honey, 150 grams of aloe juice and 0.4 liters of wine "cahors wine". Obtained the liquid, held in a dark place for a week, take 1/2 hour before meals. The single dose – 1 tablespoon. For 1 day, the medication must be taken three times.
There is No honey and apply it in the form of applications. First prepare the honey solution (200 grams of honey in 1 quart of warm water). In this solution moisten a Terry napkin, which come close to the 10 minutes of the lower part of the abdomen and the penis. This very effective procedure is repeated twice a day for 10 days.
Other ways to improve the power
MummioThis tool is one of the most potent to increase sexual energy of men. A single dose mummio (0,15-0,2 g), dissolved in a tablespoon of water and use it on the inside for 4-6 weeks. The medication is performed in the morning (on an empty stomach) and before going to bed. After passing the course of treatment, you should do 2 weeks of rest. Then, you can make the course medical of new.
And don't forget: mummio is incompatible with the alcohol!
Water treatmentsA Turkish steam bath. This is a wonderful popular tool to help with a lower power level. To do this, attend a steam bath must be 2 times a week. In the steam room, you can visit 2 to 3 times, but to be in there no more than 10 minutes. But to say you recommend a birch broom.
Sitting contrast of the bathtub. This procedure is done for the night, an hour before bedtime. Two large capacity fill with water: hot water (40-45o), and cold (15-24th). Take 1 minute, first in a hot bath, and then 1 minute in cold water, and repeat the change of the position of 10 times. Of course, it is convenient to take these baths in hydropathic, that in house conditions.
Baths with a bay leaf. 50 grams bay leaf prepare a liter of boiling water and insist half an hour, the heat sabotado. Then the infusion is poured in the tub with warm water. The procedure lasts between 15 and 30 minutes. After it, the patient should lie on the bed.
Original forms of
Barefoot walking. It is a simple effective tool for improving the sexual power. You can walk barefoot and by the apartment, but better, of course, in summer, by grass, earth, sand. When this annoying the acupressure points in the feet, including those that stimulate the increase of the power.
The ice-pack. Half a kilo of ice you need to finely lace, wrap in 8 layers of gauze. Attach first for 1 minute in the hole in the neck, low at the nape and then in 1 minute – until the chest in the heart area, and then in 1 minute – the scrotum. This procedure is recommended to repeat row 3-5 times. If you dare to hold the "torture" of ice, in a few days will be satisfied with the result.