How to increase potency in men?

Sexual relations are an important part of the life of each person. Medical researchers have shown that the ordinary full sex prolongs the youth of the body, stimulates the processes of updating and regeneration, affects almost all organs and systems in humans.

The power

Every man there comes a moment in all its possibilities sex drive, and cause doubt in the future success of intimate relationships. Often, the same thing that happens with pretty young still for the people, but most often this problem faced by men, has surpassed the mark of frontier of the middle ages. And then the men there arises a reasonable question – how to increase male potency and to understand this question, it is necessary to identify early indications of breach of the sexual functions.

The first signs of reducing the erectile functions of men

In the vast majority of the first signs of the violation of sexual potency in men begin after the age of 50. This is due to the effects of old age in the body, hormonal imbalances, decrease the overall tone, and the exacerbation of chronic diseases.

The first symptoms begin to manifest the signs:

  • the weakening of morning erection, spontaneous excitation, when there are situations exciting, as a result of the complete absence of the power;
  • weak erection, difficult or is insufficient to perform the sexual act;
  • the lack of sexual desire and the sexual desire, decreased libido;
  • the decrease of the erection during the sexual act, the natural incapacity of completion;
  • too much ambulance, ejaculation, short sexual act, is insufficient to satisfy his partner.

When the first signs of problems of sexual health, plan do not go to the extremes:

  • hopefully this folds of the situation and everything goes by itself;
  • you start to panic and prematurely attributed to himself the impotence.

There are many ways to restore sexual potency in men. They refer, mainly, to the time tested recipes of traditional medicine, as well as a number of drugs to increase the sexual power.

Raise the potency in men?

If you are experiencing problems with impotence, the man must evaluate your lifestyle, check the mode and the composition of the diet is to pay attention to fitness and health. For a start, let's see what is good for the sexual power of men, and what is bad.

One of the most devastating of the reasons for the masculine force is the physical inactivity and sedentary lifestyle. This is due to the occurrence of stagnation of the movement of blood and lymph in the organs of the pelvis, which can cause non-bacterial form of prostatitis, with all the consequences that of there problems. The composition of the diet is also very important to maintain men's health – the abundance of rich fatty foods, carcinogenic substances, and lack of vitamins much violate the metabolic processes in the body, have a negative influence on endocrine organs and the hormone balance. The set of such signs is especially dangerous for the older men of the middle ages.


Recommendations to raise the power after 50 years:

  • The movement and physical education with the gradual increase of the load, a series of exercises to improve the pelvic blood circulation is the first step to the renewal and improvement of the quality of sexual relations.
  • For the power are very useful nuts and seeds, which are rich in fatty acids and oils of peanuts, hazelnuts, walnuts. Especially useful to use the walnuts with honey.
  • Fruits and vegetables – the celery, the turnip, the onion, the garlic, the carrot, must be part of the daily diet of the men.
  • Lean meat, preferably baked or stewed form provides to every man the reserve of proteins.
  • Assorted vegetables is a treasure trove of vitamins to the power - parsley, estragn, cilantro, spinach, in addition to vitamins and minerals, these products contain analogues of male hormones.
  • On the possibility of including in the diet of shellfish, which are considered natural aphrodisiacs.

It is not worth to be in a hurry to resort to drugs during the first violations of the erection, simply pay attention to your health, adequate food, the combination of physical activity and recreation, to prolong youth and harmony of sexual relations.