Vacuum of the water pump originally designed to combat erectile dysfunction. A penis was a side effect. Why the same principle is valid for this device?
Vacuum of the water pump is a transparent cylinder, the light bulb, with the input, but does not have the output. More precisely, the output there is, but it is a small hole with the attachment to it of the hose. Thin of the hose, in turn, coupled to the pump for pumping air out of the bulb. The pump most often presented cheap hand to the knob, such as, for example, is cheap pumps sexus of taverns. In expensive pumps have a pistol pump with pressure gauge for monitoring the pressure in the flask.

The principle of operation is simple:
- The penis is inserted into the flask.
- The bulb is squeezed with force in the pubic area.
- The air is pumped out of the bulb with the aid of a manual pump. In the flask, it creates a negative pressure or, as they say, the vacuum. Because of this, these erectile tissues fill with blood, causing an erection artificial.
Mechanisms of lengthening of the penis when polerowanie
A temporary increase in
Thanks to elit causes a temporary increase?
- The mechanism of 1. When long-term (time sets, you will learn later in this article) polerowanie, elastin fiber into the tunica of the penis are stretched. This allows you to cavernous bodies of accommodating a greater amount of blood, which increases the girth of your penis. Through a couple of hours, when elastin fiber will return to its former length of the circumference of the member returns to normal.
- The mechanism 2. The second mechanism of increase of a member is the flow of the lymph. During tonirovania in the penis takes not only a lot of blood and lymph. Focuses under the skin (prepuce), which causes an effect called "dona" after a session of tonirovania. During the first classes with the pomp, the lymph fills the stronger. Later, the amount of lymph to the tonirovania decreases considerably. In general, the lymph is not dangerous, and is not a negative sign. In addition, through a couple of hours after the class, the lymph out of your member of the lymph channels, and everything goes back to normal. On the possibility of the penalty to ensure the number of lymph is not redundant.
The increase of the constant of
To increase permanently you need to combine the use of the pump with the manual exercises. Then, when the special regimes tonirovania, you can stretch the tunica, and in the next cycle of "load" caverns. With each of these tasks, the correct approach, vacuum pump water successfully.
Vacuum vacuum pump can be used as a device, and can be combined with the program manual. The second option is preferable.
Using the pump along with the manual exercises, you can move a lot more / the to increase the inverter. So, with the help of the vacuum pump can increase the length and girth of the penis.
Types of tonirovania
Sarcina is a mode of tonirovania for stretching the tunica. For Sarcina is necessary in a close flask, in which the erect member may not increase in width, therefore, the power of the vacuum is going to pull his length. This method allows you to increase the length of the penis, as well as stretch the tunica.
The classic elit
Classic tonirovania is tonirovania in a large flask. The power of the vacuum in the flask causes the member of the swelling width, fill, caverns of blood to the limit. When stretched tunic this method tonirovania help of an efficient way to increase the girth of the penis.
Develop a training program for each of the objectives? Read more in the article.
Safety rules when working with vacuum pump
Vacuum of the water pump is sufficiently effective for the enlargement of the penis. However, in the case of misuse is obtained only of the injury and the darkening of the penis. Read this article before using the device.
Under no circumstances, do not stop to observe the following rules:
- When pain occurs immediately discontinue use of the session tonirovania. Find out the cause of the appearance of the painful sensations. If the reason it became a trauma, wait for complete healing before the following activities. If the cause of the pain is, for example, crushing of the skin, it should resolve the problem and resume the session tonirovania.
- Never in a hurry. Do not carry the session tonirovania until the pain! Increasing the pressure (more precisely, of the lower, as well as in the flask empty) with no problems, week after week. The secret of growth is not crazy loads and permanent literacy training.
- In no event exceed the session time tonirovania by an approach more than 40 minutes! An hour is the time limit to the light load. At this time there is that close with no problems. By maintaining a vacuum of the blood ceases to circulate freely in the penis and, in consequence, the cells in your penis will start dying.
- Not laoreet too often. The session of tonirovania very good piece: a member of the laoreet swells before of considerable dimensions, which is nice to see. However, it is not necessary to elit 3 times a day. Your goal is to increase member, as well as the joy of a temporary effect. Too often, the classes are hampering growth. Therefore, please respect the hours of training, about which you will learn later in the article.
The penis is remarkably resistant to hurt pretty hard. The literacy of the workouts the risk of injury tends to zero.
The program of training with the use of the vacuum pump
Let's look at two training programs:
- The first program has the goal of stretching dapibus sheath of the penis.
- The second program has the goal of "pumping" of the caverns.
For each of the two programs that are necessary two different bulb. The hose and the pump for pumping air are universal to all flasks. For the first type of training requires a narrow bulb for Sarcina.
The program of the traction dapibus shell (length)
Bulb for Sarcina should be sufficiently narrow: erect member at the time of Sarcina does not swell in width, the walls of the bulb to limit the expansion, instead, the member extends in a length.
The training program:
- Massage testicular – 5 minutes
- The warming of vapor – 10-15 minutes
- Light direct of stretch in all parts of 10-15 minutes
- The string of high-tension – 10 minutes
- Rope or And stretching (as you prefer). May include reverse cravings, as well as the seat in the penis.
- Easy to jelq – 50 reps. Before you begin to pomilovanju, you must prepare the member to the load of the pump. the jelq is suitable for this purpose in the best possible way. Dry or wet jelq, as you prefer.
- Sarcina. Now to describe in detail how to perform a session of tonirovania.
Procedure for the realization of Sarcina
Bringing the cock up to the 80-90% erection, grease cream or petroleum jelly (vaseline liquid and then insert it into the flask and press it firmly to your pubic bone. Try vaseline for that does not fall into the scrotum, otherwise, also sugit in the flask. If this happens, do not suffer: remove the flask, wipe the scrotum with a cloth to dry and re-insert the member into the flask. If the expansion of the vehicle prevents the friction, lubricate a cream oil bottle in its interior. The slide must be 100%.
The quality of the pumps there is a pressure gauge which indicates the pressure in laoreet. I can not give optimum pressure, because the one who is 4 units appear to be a load mass, and the other may not feel anything. Monitor the pressure must be for another reason: you should know which brand started, then, gently increase the work load.
Member in the flask will be extended to its full length. Attentive to the sensations. When it appears the pain to stop seth.
Training sets
Rest between sets 3-5 min. At this time you can perform light stretching. Before the next set, came back to take the cock up to 80-90% of erection.
- In the first set. The first set pass light load: do not try to evacuate all the air to lengthen the limb to the maximum in the first approach. If in the early days, you will begin to strengthen, this will stop the growth. Everything has its time. Let the light of the work load within 10 minutes
- The second set. The set may slightly improve the pressure. Here comes into play the pressure gauge: take a look at the sensor and lift up slightly on the pressure. In the second set, also, spend 10-15 minutes
- The third set. In the third set do not increase the pressure, but increase the time to 20 minutes throughout the series should be a pleasure. No pain!
After sets
After Sarcina newly easy jelq, literally, between 30 and 50 lung of repetition. Do not attempt to perform a full hard jelq, as in the cardiovascular system program. In this case, the jelq you need to increase circulation, as well as in the time of tonirovania, the stagnant blood in the member.
Then, follow the direct thrust force average of 5-10 minutes
Take the option BPFSL before the workout and after. If, after exercise, there is a maximum level of intake, you're doing well. If not, read the article again carefully and analyze your training.
At the end of training spread member of the ointment "ambulance of hematomas and contusions" or something similar ointment.
The training has finished. The calendar is preferable to 2/1 or 3/1. Never forget a vacation, but being lazy and not worth. Care with the member state, please in the form of a competent, diligent, listen to Mr. Jons'to and your penis will necessarily grow.
The increase of the load
Throughout the week, not to exceed a certain load. The first set light, 10 min, the second set a little bit increased work load and also 10-15 minutes, the third set, at the same pressure for 20 minutes a week a little more insignificantly increase the work load for the first set, and therefore the second set will be even bigger the load, the third set, at the same pressure but already 20 minutes the Scheme is simple.
So, week after week, without problems to increase the workload. This will help you get the best results. After a few weeks, when you will be charged for the experience, increase the duration of sets of up to 15 minutes for the first set, 20 min for the second and 25 minutes for the third.
To continue with the course of stretching of the tunica to that you do not increase the difference between BPFSL and BPEL up to 2 cm or more, then go to the vascularium cycle.
Vascular program with the use of the pump
The list of exercises:
- Massage testicular – 5 minutes
- The warming of vapor – 10-15 minutes
- Direct thrust force average of 5 minutes
- the jelq – 100 reps.
- Erectum flex – 10 minutes
- Seat in dimidium-stabat member – 10 minutes
- The session of tonirovania.
Procedure for the realization of
The session of tonirovania in vascularium cycle in the same way and in the stretch of the garment, except that the bulb in this case, the width, and not close, and a member of exaggerate the amplitude. The time of the sessions, and the principle of increasing the load of the same. You will always be able to read all the articles on our web site.
In the breaks between sets perform push. 10 to 15 punchings between the sets is enough.The combination of vacuum pump and the punchings gives only fantastic results. Push carefully follow. If you feel that the load is too large, reduce the speed and reduce the volume of training.
At the end follow easy jelq for distillations the circulation of the blood.
The training has finished. After the exercise lubricate a member of the ointment "ambulance of hematomas and contusions" or similar. Chart 2/1 or 3/1.
Take care of your sex and authority. If you feel that a member is not prepared for such a burden or has not been recovered, rest.
To monitor the effectiveness of training, you can measure the circumference of the member before and during the training. However, you should try to measure your before a member of the flooding of the lymph. Circumference, increased lymph, we don't care. We need a pure maximum level of intake. And the greater the difference between the measurements at baseline and during the exercise, the better. If the difference increases week to week, you're on the right path.

A couple of important things
Now let's look at a couple of important points in the classic polerowanie.
Time 1 – Manual exercises + water pump
Vacuum of the water pump is an excellent supplement to the main exercise program and increases the training effect. Not worth spending the individual use of the pump is the wrong decision.
Moment 2 – The Lymph
During the practice with the pump, the penis strongly "floods" the lymph. The first training of the lymph is more, after several sessions of "floods" already is not as strong.
If the lymph much, you can split the set in two phases, with a pause between steps of 30 sec.
To avoid the large amount of lymph will allow elit in the condom itself have. Yes-yes, don't be surprised. In the condom itself has the skin being compressed during, that does not give lympha meet with her. In general, the effectiveness of the workouts, this is not severely affected.
Point 3 – healing properties has the cream
At the end of the training, you should use healing cream. This will help you quickly the status of red dots and avoid the darkening of the penis.
Moment 4 – the Blood at the time of tonirovania
With the classic polerowanie before training is desirable to take aspirin (approx. edit previously check with your doctor). It increases the fluidity of the blood and does not allow the occurrence of blood clots.
During a training session at high loads of the urethra can be steam coming out of small drops of blood. This is due to injury of the vessels in the urethra. In this case, immediately close the lesson and take the vacation in two weeks. During the break drink a medication for the strengthening of the vessels. Worth also drink vitamin E.
After two weeks break resumed the training, but start slowly: after two weeks of light training to return to full training.
The time of the 5 – the Sex after the training
After exercising, having sex or masturbation is not worth. Give yourself and a member of rest. And the sex you practice the next time.
Time 6 – the Darkening of the skin
When you activate the classic polerowanie the skin of a member can be a little dark. This happens when you don't meet the conditions that I have described in the program: warm-up, the adequacy of the cargo, the use of creams after training. In any case, the darkening is not a symptom painful.